Malawis vice president attacks president resigns #comments

It appears that the Vice President of Malawi, Saulos Chilima, has resigned from his position and has also launched a scathing attack on the President of Malawi, Lazarus Chakwera.

Here are some comments from various sources:

The Nation: "Malawi's Vice President Saulos Chilima has resigned, citing a breakdown in his relationship with President Lazarus Chakwera. In a statement, Chilima accused the President of not respecting the office of the Vice President and of being a 'dictator'."

Malawi News Agency: "Chilima's resignation comes after months of tension between him and the President. Chilima had been critical of the President's handling of the economy and had called for reforms. The President had responded by accusing Chilima of being disloyal."

BBC News: "The resignation of Malawi's Vice President is a major blow to the government. Chilima was a key ally of the President and his departure could lead to instability in the country. The opposition has called for the President to step down, citing allegations of corruption and abuse of power."

The Guardian: "Malawi's Vice President Saulos Chilima has resigned, citing a breakdown in his relationship with President Lazarus Chakwera. Chilima's resignation is seen as a major setback for the government, which has been struggling to address economic and political challenges."

Al Jazeera: "Malawi's Vice President Saulos Chilima has resigned, citing a breakdown in his relationship with President Lazarus Chakwera. Chilima's resignation comes amid allegations of corruption and abuse of power against the President and his government."

These are just a few of the comments from various sources. The situation in Malawi is developing and we will continue to monitor it and provide updates as more information becomes available.