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Breaking News

"Mysterious 'Glowing' Pigs Spotted in Rural Area, Scientists Baffled"

A bizarre phenomenon has been reported in a rural area of the country, where a group of pigs has been spotted emitting a strange, glowing aura. The pigs, which appear to be healthy and normal in every other way, have been seen roaming freely in a field near the small town of Greenfield, Illinois.

According to eyewitnesses, the pigs began to glow around 3am this morning, and have been emitting a soft, blue-green light ever since. "It was like nothing I've ever seen before," said local resident Jane Doe. "I was out for a walk and saw these pigs just... glowing. It was really weird."

Scientists from the nearby University of Illinois have been called to the scene to investigate the phenomenon. "We're not sure what's causing this," said Dr. John Smith, a leading expert in animal behavior. "We've never seen anything like it before. We're running tests to see if it's some kind of genetic mutation or if there's some environmental factor at play."

The pigs, which appear to be a normal breed, have been identified as belonging to local farmer John Johnson. "I've never seen anything like this before," said Johnson. "I just got a call from my neighbor saying that my pigs were glowing, and I couldn't believe it. I've been raising pigs for years, and this is just... crazy."

As the investigation continues, residents of Greenfield are left wondering what could be causing the strange phenomenon. "It's definitely got people talking," said local business owner Bob Johnson. "I've never seen anything like it before. I just hope it's not some kind of health hazard or something."

Stay tuned for further updates on this developing story.

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