Majek fashek in new york mp3 download

Majek Fashek is a legendary Nigerian musician, and I'm happy to help you with your request!

Here are a few options to download Majek Fashek's music, including his song "New York":

Option 1: Official Music Platforms

  1. iTunes: You can download "New York" by Majek Fashek from iTunes. Simply search for the song, click on the "Buy" button, and select the format you prefer (e.g., MP3 256 kbps).
  2. Amazon Music: You can also find "New York" by Majek Fashek on Amazon Music. Search for the song, click on the "Buy" button, and select the format you prefer (e.g., MP3 256 kbps).

Option 2: Music Streaming Services

  1. YouTube Music: You can stream "New York" by Majek Fashek on YouTube Music. Simply search for the song, and you'll find various versions and remixes available.
  2. Spotify: You can also stream "New York" by Majek Fashek on Spotify. Search for the song, and you'll find it in the artist's discography.

Option 3: Peer-to-Peer File Sharing

  1. Napster: You can search for "New York" by Majek Fashek on Napster and download the song in MP3 format.
  2. Zippyshare: You can also search for "New York" by Majek Fashek on Zippyshare and download the song in MP3 format.

Important Notes

I hope this helps you find and enjoy Majek Fashek's music, including "New York"!