Main place to get breaking news first

Here are some of the main places to get breaking news first:

  1. News Websites:
    • Al Jazeera English
    • The New York Times (
    • The Washington Post (
    • Reuters (
  2. News Apps:
    • Apple News (iOS, macOS)
    • Google News (Android, iOS)
    • Flipboard (iOS, Android)
    • News Break (iOS, Android)
  3. Social Media:
    • Twitter (official news accounts, hashtags, and trending topics)
    • Facebook (official news pages, groups, and trending topics)
    • Instagram (official news accounts, hashtags, and stories)
  4. News Aggregators:
    • Google News (
    • Apple News (
    • News360 (
  5. Breaking News Alerts:
    • CNN Breaking News (text or push notifications)
    • BBC Breaking News (text or push notifications)
    • The New York Times Breaking News (text or push notifications)
    • The Washington Post Breaking News (text or push notifications)
  6. Radio and TV:
    • CNN (TV, radio, and online)
    • BBC News (TV, radio, and online)
    • NPR (TV, radio, and online)
    • Fox News (TV, radio, and online)

Remember, it's essential to verify the credibility of the sources you use to stay informed about breaking news.