Mails on the fear at anfield and fernandes being too frail

It seems like you're referring to two separate topics:

  1. Mo Salah's struggles at Anfield: Mo Salah has been a phenomenal player for Liverpool, but he has had some struggles at Anfield, particularly in big games. There have been instances where he has failed to deliver in crucial matches, which has led to criticism from fans and pundits. However, it's essential to remember that even the best players have off days, and Salah has still been an incredible asset for the Reds.
  2. Fernandes' frailty: Bruno Fernandes has been an excellent signing for Manchester United, but there have been concerns about his physicality and ability to withstand the rigors of the Premier League. Some have questioned whether he's robust enough to play in the top tier, particularly in the physical and intense matches. However, Fernandes has shown remarkable resilience and has adapted well to the English game, scoring crucial goals and providing assists for his team.

It's crucial to remember that both players are human and will have their ups and downs. Mo Salah has been an incredible player for Liverpool, and Bruno Fernandes has been a game-changer for Manchester United.