Madonna gives emotional tribute to aretha franklin during mtv vmas

During the 2018 MTV Video Music Awards (VMAs), Madonna paid a heartfelt tribute to the Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin, who had passed away just a week prior. The tribute was a powerful and emotional moment that left many in the audience and watching at home in tears.

Madonna, who is often referred to as the Queen of Pop, took the stage to perform a medley of Aretha Franklin's greatest hits, including "Respect," "Think," and "Natural Woman." The performance was a celebration of Franklin's life and legacy, and Madonna's vocals were accompanied by a choir of backing singers and a full band.

Throughout the performance, Madonna spoke about the impact that Aretha Franklin had on her life and career, and she shared stories about the time they spent together. She also paid tribute to Franklin's incredible talent and her status as a trailblazer for women in music.

The performance was met with a standing ovation from the audience, and many celebrities in attendance, including Jennifer Lopez, Lady Gaga, and Katy Perry, were visibly moved to tears. The tribute was a fitting tribute to Aretha Franklin's legacy, and it served as a reminder of the impact that she had on the music industry and beyond.

Here's a quote from Madonna's speech during the tribute:

"Aretha Franklin was a gift to the world. She was a gift to me, and she was a gift to all of us. She was a true legend, a true icon, and a true queen. And I'm so grateful to have had the opportunity to know her and to learn from her."

The tribute was a beautiful way to honor Aretha Franklin's memory, and it will be remembered as one of the most emotional and powerful moments in MTV VMA history.