Mabuza assures mps eskom will not be privatised

According to a recent news article, Deputy President David Mabuza has assured Members of Parliament (MPs) that Eskom, the South African state-owned power utility, will not be privatized.

During a meeting with the Portfolio Committee on Public Enterprises, Mabuza emphasized that the government is committed to ensuring the sustainability and stability of Eskom, and that privatization is not a viable option. He stated that the government is working to address the challenges facing the utility, including its debt and operational issues, through a comprehensive turnaround strategy.

Mabuza's assurance comes amid concerns from some quarters that the government may consider privatizing Eskom as part of its efforts to address the country's economic challenges. However, the Deputy President's statement suggests that the government remains committed to maintaining state ownership and control of the utility.

It's worth noting that the South African government has been grappling with the challenges facing Eskom, including a significant debt burden and operational issues, which have led to frequent power outages and economic instability. The government has implemented various measures to address these challenges, including a restructuring plan and a request for financial support from the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Overall, Mabuza's assurance that Eskom will not be privatized is likely to be welcomed by those who are concerned about the potential impact of privatization on the utility's operations and the broader economy. However, the government's ability to implement its turnaround strategy and address the challenges facing Eskom will remain a key area of focus in the coming months.