Lyon v juventus follow it live with f365

You want to follow the Lyon vs Juventus match live with Football365 (F365)? Here's how you can do it:

Match Details:

F365 Live Match Centre:

You can follow the match live on Football365's website or mobile app. Here's how:

  1. Go to Football365's website ( and click on the "Live" tab at the top of the page.
  2. Select the "UEFA Champions League" competition and then click on the "Lyon vs Juventus" match.
  3. The F365 Live Match Centre will open, providing you with live updates, scores, and commentary.

F365 Live Blog:

Alternatively, you can follow the match live on Football365's live blog. The blog will provide you with minute-by-minute updates, analysis, and commentary from the F365 team.

  1. Go to Football365's website and click on the "Live" tab at the top of the page.
  2. Select the "UEFA Champions League" competition and then click on the "Lyon vs Juventus" match.
  3. The F365 Live Blog will open, providing you with live updates and commentary.

F365 Social Media:

You can also follow Football365 on social media to get live updates and commentary from the match:

Remember to refresh the page regularly to get the latest updates and commentary from the match!