Lyon accepts supreme courts verdict on bayelsa pleads with supporters to do same

It seems like you're referring to a recent news article or statement made by Lyon, the candidate who contested the Bayelsa governorship election.

To summarize, Lyon, the candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), has accepted the verdict of the Supreme Court on the Bayelsa governorship election. The Supreme Court had earlier declared the candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Douye Diri, as the winner of the election.

In a statement, Lyon appealed to his supporters to accept the verdict of the Supreme Court, saying that the decision is final and binding. He also thanked his supporters for their loyalty and urged them to continue to work together to build a better Bayelsa.

It's worth noting that the acceptance of the verdict by Lyon is a significant development, as it helps to maintain peace and stability in the state. The acceptance of the outcome of an election is crucial for the stability of democracy, as it shows that the losing party is willing to accept the will of the people and work together with the winning party to build a better future for the state.

I hope this summary is helpful!