Louisiana to new york driving time
The driving distance from Louisiana to New York is approximately 1,700 miles (2,736 kilometers), and the driving time can vary depending on several factors such as traffic, road conditions, and the route you take. Here are some estimated driving times and routes from different cities in Louisiana to New York:
- From New Orleans, LA to New York City, NY:
- Distance: 1,740 miles (2,800 km)
- Driving time: around 24-26 hours with normal traffic conditions
- Route: I-10 E and I-95 N
- From Baton Rouge, LA to New York City, NY:
- Distance: 1,630 miles (2,621 km)
- Driving time: around 22-24 hours with normal traffic conditions
- Route: I-10 E and I-95 N
- From Shreveport, LA to New York City, NY:
- Distance: 1,440 miles (2,317 km)
- Driving time: around 20-22 hours with normal traffic conditions
- Route: I-20 E and I-95 N
Keep in mind that these estimates are approximate and may vary depending on your specific starting and ending points, as well as any traffic or road conditions you may encounter along the way. It's always a good idea to check for updates on road conditions and traffic before embarking on your trip.