Lotto page 42

A reference to the classic TV show "Lotto"!

Page 42, you say? That's a specific page from the "Lotto" book, which is a crucial part of the show's storyline.

For those who may not know, "Lotto" is a popular Japanese manga and anime series created by Junji Ito. The story revolves around a mysterious book that contains the secrets of the universe, and the main character, Ritsuo, becomes obsessed with uncovering its secrets.

Page 42 is a significant page in the book, as it holds the key to unlocking the mysteries of the universe. Without giving away too many spoilers, let's just say that this page is a turning point in the story, and it sets the stage for the events that unfold later on.

If you're a fan of "Lotto," you know how important this page is!