London times news

Here are the latest news headlines from The London Times:

Top Stories

  1. Boris Johnson's Brexit Deal in Peril as MPs Reject Key Clause: The Prime Minister's plan to leave the EU is on the brink of collapse after MPs rejected a key clause in the withdrawal agreement.
  2. UK Economy Contracts for First Time in 7 Years: The UK's economy has contracted for the first time in seven years, according to official figures, as the country prepares to leave the EU.
  3. Police Investigate Mysterious Death of Russian Ex-Spy: Detectives are investigating the death of a former Russian spy who was found dead in his home in Salisbury, sparking fears of a new Cold War-style assassination.
  4. Theresa May's Brexit Legacy in Tatters as MPs Reject Deal: The former Prime Minister's legacy is in tatters after MPs rejected her Brexit deal, leaving the country in a state of political limbo.
  5. London's Housing Crisis Worsens as Prices Soar: The housing crisis in London has worsened, with prices soaring to record highs, leaving many young people unable to afford a home.

International News

  1. US and China Reach Trade Deal, Ending Tariff War: The US and China have reached a trade deal, ending the tariff war that has ravaged global markets and threatened the world economy.
  2. Iran's Supreme Leader Warns of 'War' if US Attacks: Iran's Supreme Leader has warned of "war" if the US attacks the country, as tensions between the two nations continue to escalate.
  3. North Korea Fires Missiles into Sea, Defying UN Ban: North Korea has fired multiple missiles into the sea, defying a UN ban and sparking fears of a new nuclear arms race.
  4. France and Germany Unite to Challenge US on Trade: France and Germany have united to challenge the US on trade, as the two European powers seek to protect their industries and economies.
  5. India and Pakistan Clash Over Kashmir Dispute: India and Pakistan have clashed over the disputed region of Kashmir, as tensions between the two nuclear-armed nations continue to escalate.


  1. Manchester City Win Premier League Title: Manchester City have won the Premier League title, ending Liverpool's hopes of a historic comeback.
  2. Wimbledon: Novak Djokovic Wins Record-Equalling 13th Title: Novak Djokovic has won a record-equalling 13th Wimbledon title, defeating Roger Federer in a thrilling final.
  3. England Win Cricket World Cup, Ending 44-Year Drought: England have won the Cricket World Cup, ending a 44-year drought and sparking jubilation across the country.
  4. Tiger Woods Wins Masters, Ending 11-Year Drought: Tiger Woods has won the Masters, ending an 11-year drought and sparking a global outpouring of support.
  5. Rafael Nadal Wins French Open, Extending Record: Rafael Nadal has won the French Open, extending his record to 12 titles and cementing his status as the greatest clay-court player of all time.

These are just a few of the latest news headlines from The London Times. I hope you find them informative and interesting!