London news paper

Here are some of the most popular London-based newspapers:

  1. The Times: A daily broadsheet newspaper that covers national and international news, politics, business, and sports.
  2. The Guardian: A daily broadsheet newspaper that focuses on liberal and left-wing perspectives, covering news, politics, and culture.
  3. The Telegraph: A daily broadsheet newspaper that covers national and international news, politics, business, and sports, with a conservative perspective.
  4. The Evening Standard: A daily freesheet newspaper that covers news, politics, and entertainment, with a focus on London and the UK.
  5. The Independent: A daily broadsheet newspaper that covers news, politics, and culture, with a liberal perspective.
  6. The London Evening News: A daily freesheet newspaper that covers news, sports, and entertainment, with a focus on London.
  7. The Hackney Gazette: A weekly newspaper that covers news, sports, and entertainment, with a focus on Hackney and the surrounding areas.
  8. The Islington Gazette: A weekly newspaper that covers news, sports, and entertainment, with a focus on Islington and the surrounding areas.
  9. The Camden New Journal: A weekly newspaper that covers news, sports, and entertainment, with a focus on Camden and the surrounding areas.
  10. The Ham & High: A weekly newspaper that covers news, sports, and entertainment, with a focus on Hampstead and the surrounding areas.

These are just a few examples of the many newspapers available in London. You can find them at newsstands, online, or through subscription services.