London new years parade

You're referring to the New Year's Day Parade in London!

The London New Year's Day Parade is an annual event that takes place on January 1st every year in Central London. It's a popular event that attracts millions of spectators and is broadcast live on television.

Here are some key facts about the parade:

  1. Route: The parade starts at 2:45 pm from Parliament Square and makes its way through the streets of Central London, passing iconic landmarks such as Trafalgar Square, Piccadilly Circus, and Oxford Street.
  2. Participants: The parade features over 10,000 participants, including marching bands, floats, and performers from around the world.
  3. Music: Expect to hear a diverse range of music genres, from classical to pop, rock, and jazz, performed by marching bands from the UK and abroad.
  4. Floats: The parade features elaborate floats, some of which are over 30 feet long, decorated with flowers, lights, and other decorations.
  5. Performers: You'll see a variety of performers, including dancers, acrobats, and street performers, adding to the festive atmosphere.
  6. TV broadcast: The parade is broadcast live on ITV and STV in the UK, and on various international channels around the world.
  7. Spectator areas: The best places to watch the parade are along the route, particularly around Trafalgar Square and Piccadilly Circus. Be prepared for large crowds and arrive early to secure a good spot.
  8. Weather: The parade takes place regardless of the weather, so be prepared for rain, wind, or even sunshine!

The London New Year's Day Parade is a fantastic way to kick off the new year, with its vibrant atmosphere, stunning performances, and iconic London landmarks. If you're planning to attend, make sure to arrive early, dress warmly, and be prepared for a fun and festive experience!