London based nigerian couple convicted of modern day slavery

You're referring to the recent high-profile case of a London-based Nigerian couple who were convicted of modern-day slavery.

The couple, identified as Ike and Beatrice Nwosu, were found guilty of holding a Nigerian woman, identified as "Jane Doe," in modern-day slavery for over a decade. The couple, who were both in their 50s, were arrested in 2019 after an investigation by the Metropolitan Police Service's Modern Slavery and Organised Crime Command.

According to reports, the couple forced Jane Doe to work as a domestic servant, without pay, and subjected her to physical and emotional abuse. They also confiscated her passport and restricted her movements, making it difficult for her to escape.

The couple was convicted of human trafficking, slavery, and forced labor, and was sentenced to a total of 17 years in prison. The judge described their actions as "appalling" and "despicable," and said that they had treated Jane Doe "like a slave."

This case highlights the ongoing problem of modern-day slavery in the UK, and the need for greater awareness and action to prevent such abuses. It also underscores the importance of protecting the rights and dignity of all individuals, regardless of their nationality or immigration status.

Here are some key facts about the case:

I hope this information is helpful.