Load reductions implemented tonight find your schedule here

It seems like you're referring to a load reduction schedule implemented by your electricity provider or utility company. Load reduction is a strategy used to manage peak demand on the grid by reducing energy consumption during periods of high usage.

The schedule you're referring to likely outlines specific times when energy usage should be reduced to help alleviate strain on the grid. This can be done by adjusting your daily routine, using energy-efficient appliances, or even participating in demand response programs.

To find your schedule, you can typically check your utility company's website or mobile app, or look for notifications from your provider. You can also search for "load reduction schedule" along with your utility company's name to find the information.

Some common ways to reduce your energy usage during load reduction periods include:

  1. Delaying non-essential tasks: Postpone tasks like laundry, dishwashing, or charging your devices until after the peak hours.
  2. Using energy-efficient appliances: Choose energy-efficient appliances and turn them off when not in use to reduce standby power consumption.
  3. Adjusting your thermostat: Raise your thermostat by a few degrees to reduce heating or cooling usage.
  4. Turning off lights and electronics: Unplug or turn off lights, TVs, and other electronics when not in use to avoid standby power consumption.
  5. Using natural light: During the day, open curtains and blinds to let natural light in, reducing the need for artificial lighting.

Remember to check your schedule regularly for updates and adjust your habits accordingly to help reduce your energy usage and support the grid.