Living in new brunswick

New Brunswick! A beautiful province with a rich history, stunning natural landscapes, and a unique culture. Here are some things you might want to know about living in New Brunswick:


  1. Natural beauty: New Brunswick is home to the Bay of Fundy, the world's highest tides, and the stunning Fundy National Park. The province is also dotted with lakes, forests, and mountains.
  2. Friendly people: New Brunswickers are known for their warm hospitality and welcoming nature.
  3. Affordable cost of living: Compared to other provinces in Canada, New Brunswick has a relatively low cost of living.
  4. Rich history and culture: The province has a rich history, with many museums, historic sites, and cultural festivals to explore.
  5. Outdoor activities: With its natural beauty, New Brunswick offers plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities like hiking, camping, fishing, and skiing.


  1. Economic challenges: New Brunswick has faced economic challenges in recent years, including a decline in the forestry and manufacturing industries.
  2. Limited job opportunities: While the province is working to diversify its economy, job opportunities may be limited in certain fields.
  3. Weather: New Brunswick's climate can be quite cold and snowy in the winter, and hot and humid in the summer.
  4. Limited public transportation: Public transportation options are limited in some areas of the province, making a car necessary for many residents.
  5. Rural-urban divide: Some areas of the province, particularly rural communities, may have limited access to services and amenities compared to urban centers like Fredericton and Saint John.

Things to do:

  1. Explore the Bay of Fundy: Take a boat tour or visit the Bay of Fundy National Park to experience the world's highest tides.
  2. Visit the Magnetic Hill: Located in Moncton, Magnetic Hill is a popular tourist attraction where cars appear to roll uphill.
  3. Attend a festival: New Brunswick hosts many festivals throughout the year, including the Saint John Summer Festival, the Fredericton Jazz and Blues Festival, and the Miramichi Folk Song Festival.
  4. Hike or bike: With its many parks and trails, New Brunswick is a great place to get outdoors and enjoy nature.
  5. Try some local cuisine: New Brunswick is famous for its seafood, particularly lobster, mussels, and salmon. Be sure to try some local specialties like fiddleheads, rappie pie, and donairs.

Places to visit:

  1. Fredericton: The capital city of New Brunswick, known for its historic downtown area and vibrant arts scene.
  2. Saint John: The largest city in New Brunswick, with a rich history and a scenic waterfront area.
  3. Moncton: A city in central New Brunswick known for its Magnetic Hill and the Tidal Bore.
  4. Fundy National Park: A beautiful park located on the Bay of Fundy, with hiking trails, camping sites, and stunning scenery.
  5. Kouchibouguac National Park: A national park located on the Acadian Peninsula, known for its sandy beaches, dunes, and wildlife.

Overall, New Brunswick is a great place to live if you love the outdoors, history, and culture. While it may have its challenges, the province has a lot to offer, and its friendly people will make you feel welcome.