Livestream bbnaija reunion 2022 day 11 maria vs beatrice vs tega vs boma¦¦ the amazon deb

Warning: This livestream may contain explicit language and mature themes. Viewer discretion is advised.

Welcome to the 11th day of the Big Brother Naija Reunion 2022! Today, we're in for a treat as Maria, Beatrice, Tega, and Boma take center stage. The Amazon drama is about to unfold, and we're excited to see what's in store.

As the housemates settle in, Ebuka takes his seat and introduces the first topic of discussion. Maria, still fuming from yesterday's drama, is ready to address the elephant in the room.

Maria: "I'm still trying to process what happened yesterday. Beatrice, I want to know why you felt the need to bring up my past and my family. That was uncalled for."

Beatrice: "Maria, I was just trying to defend myself. You were being very aggressive and confrontational. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."

Maria: "Aggressive and confrontational? You're the one who brought up my past and my family. That's not okay, Beatrice."

The conversation quickly escalates, with both Maria and Beatrice getting defensive and emotional. Tega and Boma try to intervene, but it's clear that the tension between Maria and Beatrice is still running high.

Ebuka: "Okay, let's take a break. We'll come back to this topic later. Next up, we have Tega and Boma. What's going on between you two?"

Tega: "Honestly, Ebuka, I'm still trying to process what happened between us. I thought we had a connection, but I guess I was wrong."

Boma: "Tega, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I was just trying to be honest with myself and figure out what I wanted."

Tega: "Honest with yourself? You were honest with yourself, but not with me. You didn't even have the decency to tell me how you felt."

The conversation between Tega and Boma is just as intense, with both of them expressing their feelings and frustrations. It's clear that there's still a lot of unresolved tension between them.

As the reunion continues, we're treated to more drama and revelations. The Amazon drama is indeed unfolding, and it's clear that these housemates still have a lot to work through.

What do you think, folks? Are you Team Maria or Team Beatrice? Are you rooting for Tega and Boma to work things out? Let us know in the comments!

Stay tuned for more updates from the Big Brother Naija Reunion 2022!