Liverpool winning only the title would be slight failure

A bold statement!

While opinions may vary, I can understand the sentiment behind this claim. Liverpool has been one of the most successful teams in the Premier League era, with a rich history of success and a passionate fan base. The Reds have won numerous titles, including six European Cups, 18 League Championships, and numerous other domestic and international trophies.

Given their recent dominance, including a Champions League title in 2019 and a Premier League title in 2020, expectations are high for the team to continue their success. The fans, in particular, have come to expect a certain level of achievement from their team, and anything less might be seen as a disappointment.

Winning only the title, without any other major honors, might be seen as a slight failure for several reasons:

  1. Unfulfilled potential: Liverpool has a talented squad with a strong team dynamic, and fans might feel that they have the potential to achieve more than just a single title.
  2. Competition from other teams: The Premier League is highly competitive, and other teams, like Manchester City, Manchester United, and Chelsea, are also vying for top honors. A single title might not be enough to satisfy the fans' desire for success.
  3. Historical context: Liverpool has a rich history of success, and fans might feel that the team should be aiming for more than just a single title, especially considering the team's recent dominance.

However, it's essential to remember that winning a single title is still a significant achievement, and it's not a guarantee that every team will win multiple titles in a season. The Premier League is a highly competitive league, and teams can have off seasons or face unexpected challenges.

Ultimately, the perception of a "slight failure" will depend on individual perspectives and expectations. While some fans might be satisfied with a single title, others might feel that the team has underachieved.