Live chelsea vs bayern munich

You're looking for a live match between Chelsea FC and Bayern Munich!

Unfortunately, I'm a large language model, I don't have the ability to provide live matches or real-time updates. However, I can suggest some ways for you to watch the match:

  1. TV Broadcast: Check your local TV listings to see if the match is being broadcast in your area. You can also check the official websites of Chelsea FC and Bayern Munich to see if they are streaming the match live.
  2. Online Streaming: You can try streaming the match on various online platforms such as:
    • DAZN (in some regions)
    • beIN Sports (in some regions)
    • UEFA Champions League website (if the match is part of the Champions League)
    • Chelsea FC's or Bayern Munich's official websites (if they are streaming the match)
  3. Social Media: Follow Chelsea FC and Bayern Munich's official social media accounts to get updates and highlights from the match.
  4. Radio Broadcast: You can also listen to the match on the radio. Check your local radio stations to see if they are broadcasting the match.

Please note that the availability of the match may vary depending on your location and the broadcasting rights in your region.

Let me know if you need any further assistance!