Live all blacks wallabies rugby championship watch

You're a fan of the Rugby Championship, also known as The Rugby Championship (TRC), which is an annual international rugby union competition featuring six national teams from the Southern Hemisphere. The teams that compete in the TRC are:

  1. Argentina (Los Pumas)
  2. Australia (Wallabies)
  3. New Zealand (All Blacks)
  4. South Africa (Springboks)
  5. Uruguay (Los Teros)
  6. Fiji (Flying Fijians)

Here's a brief overview of the teams and their recent performances:

New Zealand All Blacks

Australia Wallabies

South Africa Springboks

Argentina Los Pumas

Uruguay Los Teros

Fiji Flying Fijians

The 2022 Rugby Championship is scheduled to take place from August 6 to October 8, 2022. The teams will play each other in a round-robin format, with the top team being crowned the champion.

You can watch the Rugby Championship matches live on various TV channels and streaming platforms, including:

Make sure to check the schedules and broadcast details for your region to catch the action live!