List of sources of news

Here is a list of sources of news from various categories:

Print Newspapers

  1. The New York Times (NYT)
  2. The Wall Street Journal (WSJ)
  3. The Washington Post (WP)
  4. The Los Angeles Times (LAT)
  5. The Chicago Tribune (CT)
  6. The Boston Globe (BG)
  7. The Guardian (UK)
  8. The Times (UK)
  9. The Financial Times (FT)
  10. The Economist

Online News Sources

  1. CNN
  2. Fox News
  3. MSNBC
  4. BBC News
  5. Al Jazeera
  6. Reuters
  7. AP News
  8. HuffPost
  9. The Verge
  10. BuzzFeed News
  11. The Hill
  12. Politico
  13. The Daily Beast
  14. Newsweek
  15. The Daily Mail (UK)

Specialized News Sources

  1. Bloomberg (business and finance)
  2. Forbes (business and finance)
  3. Fortune (business and finance)
  4. The Street (business and finance)
  5. NPR (public radio)
  6. PBS NewsHour (public television)
  7. The Nation (progressive politics)
  8. The New Yorker (politics and culture)
  9. The Atlantic (politics and culture)
  10. Foreign Policy (international relations)

Alternative and Independent News Sources

  1. Democracy Now! (progressive politics)
  2. The Intercept (investigative journalism)
  3. ProPublica (investigative journalism)
  4. The Intercept (progressive politics)
  5. Truthout (progressive politics)
  6. Common Dreams (progressive politics)
  7. The Nation (progressive politics)
  8. The Progressive (progressive politics)
  9. Mother Jones (progressive politics)
  10. The Guardian (UK) (independent journalism)

International News Sources

  1. Le Monde (France)
  2. Le Figaro (France)
  3. The Globe and Mail (Canada)
  4. The Toronto Star (Canada)
  5. The Sydney Morning Herald (Australia)
  6. The Age (Australia)
  7. The Times of India (India)
  8. The Hindu (India)
  9. The Japan Times (Japan)
  10. The South China Morning Post (Hong Kong)

Aggregators and News Summaries

  1. Google News
  2. Apple News
  3. Flipboard
  4. News360
  5. Feedly
  6. The Skimm
  7. The Daily Brief
  8. The News Hub
  9. Newsify
  10. Apple News Today

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, and there are many more sources of news available. Additionally, the quality and reliability of news sources can vary, and it's essential to critically evaluate the information you consume from any source.