List of high impact forex news

Here is a list of high-impact Forex news events that can affect currency markets:

Central Bank Decisions

  1. Federal Reserve (Fed) Interest Rate Decisions (USA)
  2. European Central Bank (ECB) Interest Rate Decisions (Eurozone)
  3. Bank of England (BoE) Interest Rate Decisions (UK)
  4. Bank of Japan (BoJ) Interest Rate Decisions (Japan)
  5. Swiss National Bank (SNB) Interest Rate Decisions (Switzerland)

Economic Indicators

  1. Non-Farm Payrolls (USA)
  2. Unemployment Rate (USA)
  3. GDP Growth Rate (USA, Eurozone, Japan, UK)
  4. Inflation Rate (USA, Eurozone, Japan, UK)
  5. Consumer Price Index (CPI) (USA, Eurozone, Japan, UK)
  6. Retail Sales (USA, Eurozone, Japan, UK)
  7. Industrial Production (USA, Eurozone, Japan, UK)
  8. Manufacturing PMI (USA, Eurozone, Japan, UK)
  9. Services PMI (USA, Eurozone, Japan, UK)
  10. Trade Balance (USA, Eurozone, Japan, UK)

Geopolitical Events

  1. US-China Trade Talks and Agreements
  2. Brexit Developments (UK-EU relations)
  3. Middle East Conflicts (e.g., Iran-US tensions)
  4. North Korea-US Relations
  5. Russian Sanctions and Relations with the West

Other High-Impact Events

  1. Elections (e.g., US Presidential Elections)
  2. Natural Disasters (e.g., hurricanes, earthquakes)
  3. Terrorist Attacks
  4. Major Company Earnings Reports (e.g., Apple, Amazon)
  5. Global Economic Summits (e.g., G20, G7)
  6. Currency Intervention (e.g., central banks buying or selling currencies)
  7. Cryptocurrency Market Movements (e.g., Bitcoin, Ethereum)

Important Dates

  1. First Friday of each month: US Non-Farm Payrolls
  2. Second Tuesday of each month: ECB Interest Rate Decision
  3. Third Thursday of each month: BoE Interest Rate Decision
  4. Last Friday of each month: US GDP Growth Rate
  5. Quarterly: US Inflation Rate, Retail Sales, Industrial Production

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, and other events can also impact the Forex market. It's essential to stay informed about market-moving news and events to make informed trading decisions.