List of audio programming languages

Here is a list of audio programming languages:

  1. Csound: A software framework for real-time audio synthesis and signal processing.
  2. SuperCollider: A high-level, object-oriented programming language for real-time audio synthesis and algorithmic composition.
  3. ChucK: A strongly-timed, concurrent, and on-the-fly music programming language.
  4. Max/MSP: A visual programming language for music and multimedia, developed by Cycling '74.
  5. Pure Data: A visual programming language for music and multimedia, developed by Miller Puckette.
  6. Faust: A functional programming language for digital signal processing and audio processing.
  7. RustAudio: A Rust-based audio programming language for building audio applications.
  8. JUCE: A C++-based framework for building cross-platform audio applications, with a scripting language called JUCE Script.
  9. OpenMusic: A visual programming language for music and multimedia, developed by the IRCAM (Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique).
  10. Music21: A Python-based music theory and analysis library, with a focus on music programming.
  11. Alda: A functional programming language for music and audio processing, inspired by Haskell.
  12. Snd: A functional programming language for audio processing and music synthesis, developed by the University of Edinburgh.
  13. Tidal: A Haskell-based language for live coding and algorithmic composition.
  14. Elmish: A functional programming language for audio processing and music synthesis, inspired by Elm.
  15. Rap: A functional programming language for audio processing and music synthesis, developed by the University of Edinburgh.

This is not an exhaustive list, and there may be other audio programming languages not included here.