Lions new member induction ceremony

A unique request! Here's a possible script for a Lions new member induction ceremony:

Welcome and Introduction

[Master of Ceremonies (MC) stands at the podium, welcoming the guests and introducing the ceremony]

MC: "Welcome, everyone, to this special occasion. Today, we gather to welcome a new member to our esteemed Lions family. Please join me in welcoming [New Member's Name] to the [Lions Club Name]!"


[The new member, accompanied by their sponsor or mentor, walks into the room, followed by the club's officers and members]

MC: "As we welcome our new member, let us acknowledge the importance of our Lions values: integrity, courage, and compassion. These values guide us in our service to our community and to each other."


[The club's President or Induction Officer steps forward]

President/Induction Officer: "By the power vested in me, I hereby induct [New Member's Name] into the [Lions Club Name]. You are now a part of a global network of dedicated individuals who strive to make a difference in the world."

[The new member is presented with a Lions pin, certificate, or other symbol of membership]

Oath of Membership

[The new member is asked to recite the Lions oath]

New Member: "I, [New Member's Name], do hereby solemnly promise to uphold the principles of Lions International, to conduct myself in a manner consistent with the highest ethical standards, and to dedicate myself to the service of my community and to the betterment of humanity."

Welcome and Congratulations

[The club's members and guests applaud, and the new member is congratulated by the club's officers and members]

MC: "Please join me in congratulating our new member, [New Member's Name], on this significant milestone. We are honored to have you join our ranks and look forward to the contributions you will make to our club and our community."

Closing Remarks

[The President or Induction Officer concludes the ceremony]

President/Induction Officer: "As we welcome our new member, let us remember the importance of our Lions family. We are stronger together, and we will continue to serve our community with compassion, courage, and integrity. Thank you, and welcome to the [Lions Club Name]!"

[The ceremony concludes with a final round of applause and a reception or celebration to follow.]