Link2sd plus new apk download

Link2SD Plus is a popular app that allows you to move apps to the SD card on your Android device. Here's how you can download the latest APK:

Note: Before downloading, please ensure that your device is compatible with Link2SD Plus and that you have a rooted device.

Download Link2SD Plus APK:

You can download the latest APK from the following sources:

  1. APKMirror: Link2SD Plus APK
  2. Uptodown: Link2SD Plus APK
  3. APKPure: Link2SD Plus APK

How to install Link2SD Plus APK:

  1. Download the APK file from one of the above sources.
  2. Go to your device's Settings > Security > Unknown sources and enable the option to allow installation of apps from unknown sources.
  3. Locate the downloaded APK file and tap on it to install.
  4. Follow the installation prompts to complete the installation process.

Important: Before installing, make sure to backup your data and settings, as installing a new APK may overwrite existing data.

Compatibility: Link2SD Plus is compatible with Android 4.0 and above, and requires a rooted device.

Disclaimer: I'm not responsible for any issues that may arise from installing a third-party APK. Always exercise caution when installing APKs from unknown sources.