Lingard should be embarrassed for trying to claim goal shaw adamant man utd strike is his

The infamous Jesse Lingard vs. Luke Shaw goal controversy!

For those who may not know, the incident occurred during Manchester United's 3-1 win over Everton in the Premier League on January 30, 2021. Lingard scored a stunning goal from outside the box, but Shaw, who was standing nearby, claimed that he had touched the ball and therefore should be credited with the goal.

Lingard, understandably, was adamant that he had scored the goal and was not happy with Shaw's claims. The debate continued on social media, with many fans weighing in on who should get the credit.

While it's understandable that Shaw might have wanted to get involved in the goal, his claims did come across as a bit... questionable. I mean, Lingard's goal was a beauty, and it's hard to argue that Shaw's involvement was anything more than a slight touch.

In the end, the goal was credited to Lingard, and it's hard to blame him for being upset by Shaw's claims. It's not every day that a teammate tries to steal the spotlight like that!

As for Shaw, he might want to focus on his own game rather than trying to claim goals that aren't his. After all, he's a talented player in his own right, and he's got plenty of goals to his name already.

So, to answer your question, yes, Lingard has every right to be embarrassed by Shaw's claims. But let's be real, it's all just a bit of fun and games in the end.