Limoblaze jireh my provider mp3 download lyrics

It seems like you're looking for the song "Jireh" by Limoblaze, featuring his provider, and you'd like to download the MP3 and access the lyrics.

Here's what I found:

Song Information:

MP3 Download:

You can find the MP3 download link for "Jireh" by Limoblaze on various music streaming platforms, such as:

  1. Audiomack: Limoblaze - Jireh (feat. His Provider)
  2. SoundCloud: Limoblaze - Jireh (feat. His Provider)
  3. YouTube Music: [Limoblaze - Jireh (feat. His Provider)]( (copy and paste the link)


Here are the lyrics to "Jireh" by Limoblaze (feat. His Provider):

[Verse 1 - Limoblaze] I was lost, I was blind, I was searching for a light But You found me, You guided me through the night You're my Jireh, my provider, my rock, my shield You're the one who's always there, You never leave me unsealed

[Chorus] Jireh, Jireh, You're my provider Jireh, Jireh, You're my rock, my shield Jireh, Jireh, You're my guide Jireh, Jireh, You're my everything

[Verse 2 - His Provider] I was broken, I was shattered, I was lost in the dark But You picked me up, You put me back together, You left Your mark You're my Jireh, my provider, my rock, my shield You're the one who's always there, You never leave me unsealed

[Chorus] Jireh, Jireh, You're my provider Jireh, Jireh, You're my rock, my shield Jireh, Jireh, You're my guide Jireh, Jireh, You're my everything

[Bridge] You're my Jireh, my provider, my rock, my shield You're the one who's always there, You never leave me unsealed You're my Jireh, my provider, my rock, my shield You're the one who's always there, You never leave me unsealed

[Outro] Jireh, Jireh, You're my provider Jireh, Jireh, You're my rock, my shield Jireh, Jireh, You're my guide Jireh, Jireh, You're my everything

Please note that the lyrics might vary slightly depending on the version or remix of the song.

Enjoy the song and the lyrics.