Limits breaker sermon

Here's a sermon on the topic of "Limits Breaker" based on the biblical account of Jesus breaking the limits of human understanding and experience:

Title: "Limits Breaker: The Unstoppable Jesus"

Text: Matthew 9:35-38, Mark 1:32-34, Luke 5:15-16


Have you ever felt like you're hitting a wall, like there's a limit to what you can do or achieve? Maybe you're struggling with a difficult situation, or feeling overwhelmed by the demands of life. Today, we're going to explore the story of Jesus, who broke the limits of human understanding and experience, and learn how we can apply his example to our own lives.

The Limits of Human Understanding:

In Matthew 9:35-38, we read that Jesus saw the crowds of people who were sick, blind, and oppressed, and he felt compassion for them. But the problem was, the people were so numerous that Jesus and his disciples couldn't even eat a meal without being interrupted. The demands of the people were overwhelming, and it seemed like there was no way to meet their needs.

The Limits of Human Experience:

In Mark 1:32-34, we see that Jesus was so exhausted from his ministry that he went to a deserted place to rest. But even there, the people found him and begged him to heal their sick and demon-possessed loved ones. Jesus was so worn out that he didn't even have time to eat, let alone rest.

The Breaker of Limits:

But then something amazing happened. Jesus didn't let the limits of human understanding and experience hold him back. He didn't say, "I'm too tired, I need a break." He didn't say, "I'm overwhelmed, I can't do this." Instead, he broke through the limits and continued to minister to the people.

The Power of God:

In Luke 5:15-16, we read that Jesus was so powerful that even the demons recognized his authority. They begged him not to send them out of the region, because they knew that he had the power to destroy them. Jesus' power was not limited by human understanding or experience. He was unstoppable.

The Application:

So what can we learn from Jesus' example? First, we can learn to recognize the limits that we face in our own lives. We may feel overwhelmed by the demands of work, family, or other responsibilities. We may feel like we're hitting a wall and can't go any further.

But second, we can learn to break through those limits. We can learn to trust in God's power and provision, just as Jesus did. We can learn to rely on his strength, rather than our own.

The Challenge:

So I want to challenge you today to break through the limits that you're facing. Don't let the demands of life hold you back. Don't let your own limitations define you. Instead, trust in God's power and provision, and watch him do the impossible in your life.


Jesus was a limits breaker, and we can be too. We can break through the limits of human understanding and experience, and experience the power and provision of God in our lives. So let's trust in him, and watch him do the impossible.