Limitation breakers by pastor e.a adeboye

A great topic! Limitation Breakers is a popular book by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG). The book explores the concept of breaking free from limitations and living a life of purpose and fulfillment. Here are some key takeaways from the book:

Limitation Breakers:

  1. Faith: Adeboye emphasizes the importance of faith in breaking limitations. He encourages readers to have faith in God's ability to do the impossible.
  2. Prayer: Prayer is a powerful tool for breaking limitations. Adeboye stresses the need to pray with faith, persistence, and expectation.
  3. Confession: Confessing God's Word is essential for breaking limitations. Adeboye encourages readers to confess God's promises and declarations over their lives.
  4. Declaration: Declaring God's Word over one's life is another key aspect of breaking limitations. Adeboye emphasizes the importance of speaking God's Word with conviction and authority.
  5. Obedience: Obedience to God's Word is crucial for breaking limitations. Adeboye encourages readers to obey God's commands and follow His leading in their lives.
  6. Forgiveness: Forgiveness is essential for breaking limitations. Adeboye emphasizes the need to forgive others and ourselves, and to let go of bitterness and resentment.
  7. Praise: Praise is a powerful tool for breaking limitations. Adeboye encourages readers to praise God in all circumstances, and to give thanks for His goodness and mercy.
  8. Worship: Worship is another key aspect of breaking limitations. Adeboye emphasizes the importance of worshiping God in spirit and in truth, and of giving Him our best.
  9. Giving: Giving is essential for breaking limitations. Adeboye encourages readers to give generously to God and to others, and to trust Him to supply their needs.
  10. Trust: Trust is the foundation of breaking limitations. Adeboye emphasizes the need to trust God completely, and to have faith in His goodness and sovereignty.

Key Principles:

  1. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever: Adeboye emphasizes that God's power and ability to break limitations is not limited by time or circumstances.
  2. God is a God of possibilities: Adeboye encourages readers to believe that God is a God of possibilities, and that He can do the impossible.
  3. God is a God of abundance: Adeboye emphasizes that God is a God of abundance, and that He desires to bless His children with abundance in all areas of their lives.
  4. God is a God of miracles: Adeboye encourages readers to believe in the power of God to perform miracles and to break limitations.


Limitation Breakers is a powerful book that encourages readers to break free from limitations and live a life of purpose and fulfillment. By applying the principles and concepts outlined in the book, readers can experience God's power and abundance in their lives, and live a life that is truly fulfilling and meaningful.