Lijnders explains liverpools search for perfection and how klopp surprises him every day

I think you're referring to Michael Lijnders, the assistant manager of Liverpool FC, who has been working closely with Jürgen Klopp since 2014. Here's a summary of what he's said about Liverpool's search for perfection and how Klopp surprises him every day:

Search for Perfection

In an interview with The Guardian, Lijnders discussed Liverpool's relentless pursuit of perfection under Klopp's management. He emphasized that the team's goal is not just to win games, but to improve every day, every week, and every season. Lijnders explained:

"We're not just trying to win games, we're trying to be better every day. We're trying to be better than we were yesterday, better than we were last week, better than we were last season. That's the only way you can get to the top."

Lijnders highlighted the importance of attention to detail, hard work, and a willingness to learn and adapt in achieving this goal. He noted that the team's success is not just down to individual talent, but also to the collective effort and commitment to improvement.

Klopp's Surprises

In an interview with ESPN, Lijnders spoke about how Klopp continues to surprise him every day with his innovative ideas and approaches to training and team management. Lijnders said:

"Jürgen is a master of surprises. Every day, he comes up with something new, something that makes you think. He's always looking for ways to improve, to innovate, to make us better. He's got a great sense of humor, but he's also very serious about his work. He's a true professional."

Lijnders praised Klopp's ability to connect with players, staff, and fans, saying that his infectious enthusiasm and passion for the game are key factors in the team's success. He also highlighted Klopp's willingness to listen and adapt, saying that he is always open to new ideas and perspectives.

Overall, Lijnders' comments reflect the high standards and commitment to excellence that are hallmarks of Liverpool FC under Klopp's management. The team's relentless pursuit of perfection, combined with Klopp's innovative approach and ability to surprise, have been key factors in their success in recent years.