Life in new zealand reddit

The land of the long white cloud! Here are some popular subreddits and threads related to life in New Zealand:


  1. r/NewZealand: A community for Kiwis and expats to discuss all things New Zealand, including culture, travel, and daily life.
  2. r/Auckland: A subreddit for people living in or interested in Auckland, New Zealand's largest city.
  3. r/Wellington: A community for people living in or interested in Wellington, New Zealand's capital city.
  4. r/Christchurch: A subreddit for people living in or interested in Christchurch, New Zealand's third-largest city.
  5. r/NewZealandExpats: A community for New Zealanders living abroad and those interested in expat life in New Zealand.

Popular threads:

  1. "What's it like to live in New Zealand?": A thread where expats and locals share their experiences and insights about living in New Zealand.
  2. "Best places to live in New Zealand?": A thread where users discuss the pros and cons of different regions and cities in New Zealand.
  3. "Cost of living in New Zealand?": A thread where users share their experiences and tips on managing the cost of living in New Zealand.
  4. "Job market in New Zealand?": A thread where users discuss the job market, including job opportunities, salaries, and work-life balance.
  5. "Culture shock in New Zealand?": A thread where users share their experiences and tips on adjusting to New Zealand's unique culture and way of life.

Other resources:

  1. New Zealand Government: The official government website for New Zealand, with information on living, working, and studying in the country.
  2. Immigration New Zealand: The official government website for immigration to New Zealand, with information on visas, residency, and citizenship.
  3. New Zealand Herald: A popular news website for New Zealand, with articles on current events, lifestyle, and culture.

Remember to always follow Reddit's rules and guidelines when participating in these communities and threads.