Licensing officials busted for multi million rand fraud get bail

It appears that you're referring to a recent news article about licensing officials in South Africa who were arrested and charged with fraud, and have since been granted bail.

Here's a summary of the article:

A group of licensing officials in South Africa were arrested and charged with fraud after an investigation revealed that they had embezzled millions of rand from the government. The officials, who were responsible for issuing licenses and permits, had allegedly been taking bribes and misusing government funds for personal gain.

The investigation, which was conducted by the Hawks, a specialized police unit, found that the officials had stolen millions of rand over a period of several years. The officials were arrested and charged with fraud, corruption, and other related offenses.

Despite the seriousness of the allegations, the officials were granted bail by the court, pending their trial. The bail amount was set at a significant amount, reportedly in the millions of rand.

The case has sparked outrage and concern among the public, with many calling for stricter penalties for those who engage in corruption and fraud. The incident has also raised questions about the effectiveness of the government's efforts to combat corruption and ensure accountability among public officials.

It's worth noting that the investigation and prosecution of the officials are ongoing, and the outcome of the case is yet to be determined.