Libya news com

Here are some recent news articles from Libya:

Libya News

  1. Libya's UN-recognized government says it has taken control of key oil ports (Al Jazeera, March 2023)

The Government of National Accord (GNA) has announced that it has taken control of the oil ports of Ras Lanuf and Es Sider, which are crucial for the country's economy.

  1. Libya's rival governments agree to ceasefire, but fighting continues (Reuters, February 2023)

The GNA and the Libyan National Army (LNA), led by Khalifa Haftar, have agreed to a ceasefire, but fighting has continued in several parts of the country.

  1. Libya's oil production falls to lowest level in years (Bloomberg, January 2023)

Libya's oil production has fallen to its lowest level in years due to the ongoing conflict and blockades on oil facilities.

  1. Libya's parliament votes to extend Haftar's mandate as military commander (Al Arabiya, December 2022)

The Libyan parliament has voted to extend Khalifa Haftar's mandate as military commander for another three years.

  1. Libya's GNA says it has retaken key city from Haftar's forces (AP News, November 2022)

The GNA has announced that it has retaken the city of Sirte from Haftar's forces, which had controlled the city since 2016.

International News

  1. EU foreign policy chief calls for ceasefire in Libya (EU News, March 2023)

The EU's foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, has called for an immediate ceasefire in Libya and for all parties to engage in a political dialogue.

  1. US calls for Libya's rival governments to work together (US Department of State, February 2023)

The US has called on Libya's rival governments to work together to address the country's political and economic crises.

  1. UN envoy to Libya says country is on 'brink of collapse' (UN News, January 2023)

The UN envoy to Libya, Abdoulaye Bathily, has warned that the country is on the "brink of collapse" due to the ongoing conflict and political instability.

  1. France calls for international support for Libya's stability (France 24, December 2022)

France has called for international support for Libya's stability and has urged the country's rival governments to engage in a political dialogue.

  1. Italy's foreign minister visits Libya to discuss crisis (ANSA, November 2022)

Italy's foreign minister, Luigi Di Maio, has visited Libya to discuss the country's political and economic crisis with the GNA and other stakeholders.

Please note that the news articles are subject to change and may not reflect the current situation in Libya.