Liberia news video

Here are some recent news videos about Liberia:

Liberia News

  1. Liberia's President Weah Launches National Development Plan (BBC News, March 2023)
    • President George Weah launches Liberia's National Development Plan, aimed at reducing poverty and improving infrastructure.
  2. Liberia's Ebola Outbreak Under Control, Says WHO (Al Jazeera, February 2023)
    • The World Health Organization (WHO) declares that Liberia's latest Ebola outbreak is under control, after a surge in cases in recent weeks.
  3. Liberia's Economy Grows, But Challenges Remain (The Africa Report, January 2023)
    • Liberia's economy has shown signs of growth, but the country still faces significant challenges, including high unemployment and corruption.
  4. Liberia's President Weah Meets with US Secretary of State (VOA News, December 2022)
    • President George Weah meets with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken to discuss issues including trade, security, and development.
  5. Liberia's Ebola Outbreak Spreads to New District (Reuters, November 2022)
    • Liberia's Ebola outbreak spreads to a new district, as the country struggles to contain the virus.

Liberia Videos

  1. Liberia's Capital City, Monrovia, in 4K (YouTube, 2022)
    • A stunning 4K video showcasing the beauty of Monrovia, Liberia's capital city.
  2. Liberia's National Museum (YouTube, 2022)
    • A video tour of Liberia's National Museum, which showcases the country's history and culture.
  3. Liberia's Ebola Response (YouTube, 2022)
    • A video documenting Liberia's response to the Ebola outbreak, including efforts to contain the virus and provide aid to affected communities.
  4. Liberia's Agriculture Sector (YouTube, 2022)
    • A video highlighting Liberia's agriculture sector, including efforts to improve farming practices and increase food production.
  5. Liberia's Tourism Industry (YouTube, 2022)
    • A video showcasing Liberia's tourism industry, including its natural beauty, cultural heritage, and adventure opportunities.

Please note that the availability and quality of these videos may vary depending on your location and internet connection.