Liberated the new sexual revolution

"Liberated: The New Sexual Revolution" is a book written by Nancy Friday, first published in 1997. The book explores the changing attitudes and behaviors of women towards sex and sexuality in the 1990s, particularly in the context of the feminist movement.

Friday argues that the sexual revolution of the 1960s and 1970s, which focused on liberating women from traditional gender roles and social norms, has given way to a new era of sexual freedom and experimentation. She contends that women are now more empowered to take control of their own sexuality, to explore their desires and fantasies, and to engage in sexual activities that were previously taboo or stigmatized.

The book is based on interviews with hundreds of women, who share their personal stories and experiences of sexual liberation. Friday explores a range of topics, including:

  1. The rise of female sexuality: Friday argues that women are now more likely to prioritize their own sexual pleasure and satisfaction, rather than simply fulfilling their partners' desires.
  2. The decline of shame and guilt: With the decline of traditional gender roles and social norms, women are less likely to feel ashamed or guilty about their sexual desires and behaviors.
  3. The growth of female sexuality: Friday notes that women are now more likely to explore their own sexuality, including their desires, fantasies, and sexual practices.
  4. The impact of feminism: Friday argues that the feminist movement has played a significant role in liberating women's sexuality, by challenging traditional gender roles and social norms.
  5. The role of technology: Friday explores the impact of technology, such as the internet and social media, on women's sexuality, including the rise of online dating and the sharing of sexual content.

Overall, "Liberated: The New Sexual Revolution" is a thought-provoking and timely book that explores the changing attitudes and behaviors of women towards sex and sexuality in the 1990s. While some of the book's arguments and findings may be dated, it remains an important contribution to the ongoing conversation about women's sexuality and liberation.