Level 3 housemate discuss about bella and sheggz behaviorbbnaijabbn7

A Level 3 housemate discussion about Bella and Sheggz's behavior in the Big Brother Naija (BBNaija) house!

Housemate 1: "Guys, have you noticed how Bella and Sheggz have been acting lately? They're always arguing and it's getting really intense."

Housemate 2: "Yeah, I've seen it too. It's like they're trying to outdo each other in some kind of competition. But honestly, it's getting old."

Housemate 3: "I know, right? I think they're both just trying to get attention. Bella's always trying to be the center of attention, and Sheggz is just trying to prove himself as the tough guy."

Housemate 1: "Exactly! And it's not just the arguments. They're always making snide comments about each other behind each other's backs. It's really uncool."

Housemate 2: "And don't even get me started on how they're always trying to one-up each other in challenges. It's like they're trying to prove who's the better person or something."

Housemate 3: "I think it's just a game to them. They're trying to stay relevant in the house and get more screen time. But honestly, it's getting boring. Can't they just get along for once?"

Housemate 1: "I agree. I think we should all just try to stay out of it and let them figure it out themselves. But at the same time, it's hard not to get drawn into their drama."

Housemate 2: "Yeah, it's like we're all just waiting for the other shoe to drop. Will they finally have a blowout fight and get evicted, or will they somehow manage to work things out and stay in the game?"

Housemate 3: "I don't know, but I'm just tired of all the drama. Can't we just have a peaceful house for once?"

And so the discussion continues, with the Level 3 housemates weighing in on the latest drama between Bella and Sheggz in the BBNaija house.