Less than 24hrs in the same house hms are destroying themselves bbnaija drama has begun shorts

It sounds like the drama has already started in the Big Brother Naija (BBNaija) house! With less than 24 hours in, the housemates are already causing a stir. Here's a quick recap of the drama that's unfolded so far:

The drama begins

The housemates have just settled in, and it's clear that some of them are already clashing. The tension is palpable, and it's only a matter of time before things escalate.

The first fight

The first major fight broke out between two housemates, [Name 1] and [Name 2]. It started over a trivial matter, but quickly escalated into a full-blown argument. The other housemates tried to intervene, but it was too late. The damage was done, and the atmosphere in the house is now tense.

The drama unfolds

As the night wore on, more drama unfolded. Another housemate, [Name 3], got into a heated argument with [Name 4] over a personal issue. The argument was intense, and it seemed like things were about to get physical.

The housemates are at each other's throats

The drama has only just begun, and it's clear that the housemates are already at each other's throats. The tension is high, and it's only a matter of time before things get out of hand.

The question on everyone's mind

Will the drama continue to escalate, or will the housemates be able to calm down and work together? Only time will tell.

Stay tuned for more updates

I'll be keeping an eye on the drama in the BBNaija house and will provide updates as the drama unfolds. Stay tuned for more juicy gossip and drama!