Lehasa moloi cries for help ask fans to pray for him

It seems like Lehasa Moloi, a popular South African actor and TV personality, has taken to social media to ask his fans for help and prayers. According to reports, Lehasa has been going through a tough time and is seeking support from his followers.

In a heartfelt post on Instagram, Lehasa shared a photo of himself with a caption that read: "I'm struggling, guys. I'm really struggling. I need your prayers. I need your love. I need your support. I'm not okay, and I don't know how to be okay. Please, please, please pray for me. I'm begging you."

Lehasa's fans and followers have been quick to respond, offering words of encouragement and support. Many have shared their own struggles and experiences, letting Lehasa know that he's not alone and that they're there for him.

It's great to see Lehasa being so open and honest about his struggles, and it's clear that his fans care deeply about him. Let's all take a moment to send some positive vibes his way and offer our support.

What do you think about Lehasa's post? Have you ever struggled with your mental health or felt like you needed to reach out for help? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!