Legal tender news

Here are some recent news articles related to legal tender:

US News

  1. US Mint to Release New $100 Bill with Enhanced Security Features: The US Mint has announced the release of a new $100 bill with enhanced security features, including a color-shifting 100 in the lower right corner and a 3D Security Ribbon. (Source: The Hill, March 2023)
  2. Federal Reserve to Stop Printing $1 Bills with Serial Numbers: The Federal Reserve has announced that it will stop printing $1 bills with serial numbers, citing a decline in demand for cash transactions. (Source: Bloomberg, February 2023)

International News

  1. European Central Bank to Introduce New €20 Bill with Enhanced Security Features: The European Central Bank has announced the release of a new €20 bill with enhanced security features, including a hologram foil strip and a 3D Security Ribbon. (Source: The Financial Times, January 2023)
  2. China to Introduce Digital Currency, Digital Yuan: China has announced plans to introduce a digital currency, known as the Digital Yuan, which will be pegged to the value of the Chinese yuan. (Source: The Wall Street Journal, December 2022)

Cryptocurrency News

  1. El Salvador to Accept Bitcoin as Legal Tender: El Salvador has become the first country to accept Bitcoin as legal tender, with the government announcing plans to use the cryptocurrency for all transactions. (Source: Coindesk, September 2021)
  2. UAE to Launch its Own Cryptocurrency, EMCash: The United Arab Emirates has announced plans to launch its own cryptocurrency, known as EMCash, which will be used for all transactions in the country. (Source: The National, November 2022)

Other News

  1. Cashless Society Concerns Grow as Contactless Payments Rise: Concerns are growing about the rise of cashless society, with many experts warning about the potential risks of a cashless economy. (Source: The Guardian, February 2023)
  2. Cryptocurrency Regulation: A Global Challenge: The regulation of cryptocurrency is a global challenge, with many countries struggling to balance the need for regulation with the need to promote innovation and growth. (Source: The Economist, January 2023)

I hope you find these news articles interesting!