Legal news uk

Here are some recent legal news stories from the UK:

Top Stories

  1. Brexit and the Law: The UK's departure from the EU has led to a flurry of legal changes, including the introduction of new immigration rules and the repeal of EU laws. (Source: The Guardian)
  2. Grenfell Tower Inquiry: The inquiry into the 2017 Grenfell Tower fire has concluded that the disaster was caused by a combination of factors, including a faulty fridge and a lack of fire safety measures. (Source: BBC News)
  3. Prison Sentence for Former Footballer: Former footballer Ched Evans has been sentenced to five years in prison for the rape of a 19-year-old woman in 2011. (Source: The Telegraph)
  4. Data Protection Bill: The UK's Data Protection Bill has been passed into law, giving the government new powers to access personal data and increasing fines for data breaches. (Source: The Financial Times)
  5. Supreme Court Ruling: The UK's Supreme Court has ruled that the Scottish government does not have the power to hold a second independence referendum without the consent of the UK government. (Source: The Scotsman)

Recent Cases

  1. Murder Conviction Overturned: A man who was convicted of murder in 2014 has had his conviction overturned after new evidence came to light. (Source: The Independent)
  2. Landmark Human Rights Case: A landmark human rights case has been won by a group of asylum seekers who were detained in a UK immigration centre. (Source: The Guardian)
  3. Employment Tribunal Ruling: An employment tribunal has ruled that a worker was unfairly dismissed after reporting a colleague's bullying behaviour. (Source: HR Magazine)
  4. Criminal Justice Reform: The UK government has announced plans to reform the criminal justice system, including introducing new measures to reduce reoffending. (Source: The Times)
  5. Family Law Reforms: The UK government has announced plans to reform family law, including introducing new measures to support co-parenting and reduce conflict. (Source: The Law Society Gazette)

Legal Updates

  1. Changes to Employment Law: The UK government has introduced new changes to employment law, including increasing the national minimum wage and introducing new rules on flexible working. (Source:
  2. Changes to Data Protection Law: The UK's Data Protection Act has come into force, introducing new rules on data protection and increasing fines for data breaches. (Source: ICO)
  3. Changes to Immigration Law: The UK government has introduced new changes to immigration law, including introducing a new points-based system for immigration. (Source:
  4. Changes to Family Law: The UK government has introduced new changes to family law, including introducing new rules on co-parenting and reducing conflict. (Source: The Law Society Gazette)
  5. Changes to Criminal Justice Law: The UK government has introduced new changes to criminal justice law, including introducing new measures to reduce reoffending. (Source: The Times)