Leg it news

"Leg it" is a British slang phrase that means to run away quickly, often in a hurry or in a state of panic. Here are some recent news stories that might be of interest:

  1. UK's COVID-19 lockdown: "Leg it" as restrictions ease: As the UK's COVID-19 lockdown restrictions ease, people are "legging it" to enjoy the sunshine and outdoor activities. (Source: BBC News)
  2. Footballer's "leg it" celebration sparks controversy: A footballer's celebration of scoring a goal by "legging it" around the pitch has sparked controversy, with some calling it unsportsmanlike. (Source: The Guardian)
  3. Police chase "leg it" suspect through city streets: A suspect in a police chase was seen "legging it" through city streets, dodging pedestrians and cars to evade capture. (Source: The Telegraph)
  4. "Leg it" to the beach: Summer holidays in full swing: As summer holidays get underway, people are "legging it" to the beach to soak up the sun and enjoy the warm weather. (Source: The Sun)
  5. "Leg it" from the law: Fugitive caught after 20-year manhunt: A fugitive who had been on the run for 20 years was finally caught after a "leg it" chase through the countryside. (Source: The Mirror)

These are just a few examples of news stories that might feature the phrase "leg it". The phrase is often used in a humorous or lighthearted way to describe someone running away quickly, and it's a popular phrase in British slang.