Learn new words in english everyday

What a great goal! Learning new words in English every day can help you improve your vocabulary, communication skills, and even boost your confidence in speaking and writing. Here's a simple way to do it:

Method 1: Word of the Day

  1. Choose a reliable source: Websites like Merriam-Webster, Dictionary.com, or Wordnik offer a "Word of the Day" feature.
  2. Read the definition: Take a few minutes to read the definition, pronunciation, and example sentences for the word.
  3. Use it in a sentence: Try to use the word in a sentence of your own. This will help you remember it better.
  4. Review and repeat: Review the word and its meaning every day, and try to use it in a sentence again.

Method 2: Flashcards

  1. Create digital flashcards: You can use apps like Anki, Quizlet, or Flashcards Deluxe to create digital flashcards.
  2. Add words and definitions: Add new words and their definitions to your flashcards every day.
  3. Review and practice: Review your flashcards regularly, and try to recall the definitions and usage of each word.

Method 3: Read and Learn

  1. Read a new article or chapter: Choose a new article or chapter to read every day, and pay attention to unfamiliar words.
  2. Look up unknown words: Look up words you don't know, and read their definitions and example sentences.
  3. Review and practice: Review the new words and their meanings, and try to use them in a sentence.

Tips and Variations

Example Words

Here are some example words to get you started:

Remember, the key is to be consistent and make learning new words a part of your daily routine. Good luck!