Leah sharibu latest news

Leah Sharibu is a Nigerian Christian schoolgirl who was kidnapped by Boko Haram terrorists on February 19, 2018, along with 109 other schoolgirls from Government Girls' Science and Technical College in Dapchi, Yobe State, Nigeria. Here are some of the latest news updates on Leah Sharibu:

Recent Developments:

  1. Leah's 5th Birthday: On March 24, 2022, Leah Sharibu turned 5 years old while still in captivity. Her family and friends celebrated her birthday, hoping for her safe return.
  2. Nigerian Government's Efforts: The Nigerian government has continued to negotiate with Boko Haram for Leah's release. In February 2022, the government announced that it had received a new video from Boko Haram, which showed Leah and other captives, and that negotiations were ongoing.
  3. International Pressure: The international community, including the United States, the United Kingdom, and the European Union, has continued to pressure Boko Haram to release Leah and other captives. In February 2022, the US State Department issued a statement calling for Leah's immediate release.
  4. Leah's Health: There have been concerns about Leah's health and well-being while in captivity. In 2020, a video emerged showing Leah and other captives, with Leah appearing to be in poor health. Her family and friends have continued to advocate for her release, citing concerns about her health and safety.
  5. Leah's Family: Leah's family has continued to advocate for her release, and her mother, Rebecca Sharibu, has become a prominent voice in the campaign to free her daughter. In 2020, Rebecca Sharibu was awarded the "Mother of the Year" award by the Nigerian government for her courage and resilience in the face of her daughter's kidnapping.

Previous Updates:

  1. Initial Kidnapping: Leah Sharibu was kidnapped along with 109 other schoolgirls from Government Girls' Science and Technical College in Dapchi, Yobe State, Nigeria, on February 19, 2018.
  2. Release of Other Captives: In March 2018, 104 of the kidnapped schoolgirls were released by Boko Haram, but Leah and five others were not released.
  3. Boko Haram's Demands: Boko Haram demanded that the Nigerian government release all its imprisoned fighters in exchange for the release of the remaining captives, including Leah.
  4. International Outrage: The kidnapping of Leah Sharibu and the other schoolgirls sparked international outrage, with many governments and organizations calling for their safe release.
  5. Nigerian Government's Response: The Nigerian government launched a military operation to rescue the captives, but it was unsuccessful. The government has also negotiated with Boko Haram for Leah's release, but so far, no agreement has been reached.

I hope this information is helpful.