Leah sharibu high flying scholar still in captivity #comments

I'm so sorry to hear that Leah Sharibu, a high-flying scholar, is still in captivity. It's heartbreaking to think about the struggles she must be facing and the uncertainty of her future.

Leah Sharibu was one of the 110 schoolgirls kidnapped by Boko Haram from Government Girls Science and Technical College in Dapchi, Yobe State, Nigeria in February 2018. Unfortunately, she was not released along with the other girls, reportedly because she refused to renounce her Christian faith.

As a high-flying scholar, Leah's abduction and captivity are a stark reminder of the devastating impact of terrorism and violence on innocent lives, particularly on young people who are trying to pursue their dreams and make a positive impact in the world.

I hope that Leah will be reunited with her family and friends soon, and that she will be able to continue her education and achieve her goals without any further harm or trauma.

Let's continue to pray for Leah's safe release and for an end to the senseless violence and terrorism that has plagued Nigeria and other parts of the world.