Lawyers wants njc put end frivolous court injunctions

A very specific and timely topic!

The Nigerian Judiciary Council (NJC) has indeed been under pressure to address the issue of frivolous court injunctions, which have been a major concern for lawyers and the judiciary in Nigeria.

In recent times, there has been a surge in the number of frivolous court injunctions filed in Nigerian courts, which has led to delays and clogs in the justice system. These injunctions are often used as a means of harassment, intimidation, or to gain an unfair advantage in disputes.

To address this issue, the NJC has taken several steps, including:

  1. Establishment of a Committee on Frivolous Litigation: The NJC set up a committee to identify and address frivolous litigation in the country. The committee is responsible for reviewing court records, identifying frivolous cases, and recommending appropriate sanctions against lawyers who engage in frivolous litigation.
  2. Sanctions for Frivolous Litigation: The NJC has introduced sanctions for lawyers who engage in frivolous litigation. These sanctions include fines, suspension, or even disbarment.
  3. Education and Sensitization: The NJC has launched a public awareness campaign to educate lawyers and the general public about the importance of responsible litigation and the consequences of frivolous litigation.
  4. Reforms to Court Processes: The NJC has also introduced reforms to court processes to make it more difficult for lawyers to file frivolous injunctions. For example, courts are now required to conduct a preliminary review of cases before granting injunctions.

The Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) has also been vocal about the need to address frivolous court injunctions. In fact, the NBA has called on the NJC to take stern action against lawyers who engage in frivolous litigation.

Overall, the efforts of the NJC and the NBA to address frivolous court injunctions are a step in the right direction towards ensuring that the justice system in Nigeria is fair, efficient, and effective.