Lawmakers want amaechi to withdraw false state on foreign loan #

It seems like there's a developing story!

It appears that lawmakers in Nigeria are calling on Rotimi Amaechi, the Minister of Transportation, to withdraw a statement he made about the country's foreign loan. Specifically, they want him to retract his claim that the country has taken a loan from a foreign country without the knowledge of the National Assembly.

For those who may not be aware, the National Assembly is the legislative arm of the Nigerian government, responsible for making laws and approving government expenditures. It's crucial that the government is transparent about its financial dealings, including foreign loans.

It's unclear what exactly Amaechi said that has raised concerns among lawmakers, but it's likely that his statement has sparked controversy and raised questions about the government's handling of foreign loans.

I'll keep an eye out for updates on this story and provide more information as it becomes available!