Lavar ball news

Lavar Ball, the father of Los Angeles Lakers point guard Lonzo Ball, is a well-known figure in the world of basketball and entertainment. Here are some recent news stories and updates about Lavar Ball:

  1. Big Baller Brand controversy: In 2017, Lavar Ball launched his own sports apparel brand, Big Baller Brand, which quickly gained popularity. However, the brand faced controversy over its high prices, poor quality, and allegations of fake endorsements. Lavar Ball has since faced backlash and criticism over his business practices.
  2. Lavar Ball's feud with LaVar Ball's sons: Lavar Ball has been involved in a public feud with his sons, Lonzo, LiAngelo, and LaMelo, over their basketball careers and business decisions. The feud has been played out in the media, with Lavar Ball criticizing his sons' choices and the sons responding with frustration and disappointment.
  3. Lavar Ball's support for Donald Trump: In 2017, Lavar Ball sparked controversy when he praised Donald Trump, saying that the President was "doing a great job" and that he was "a winner." The comments were met with widespread criticism and backlash.
  4. Lavar Ball's appearance on The Shop: In 2018, Lavar Ball appeared on the HBO show The Shop, where he discussed his business ventures, his sons' basketball careers, and his personal life. The episode was widely watched and sparked further controversy over Lavar Ball's comments and behavior.
  5. Lavar Ball's criticism of the NBA: Lavar Ball has been critical of the NBA and its players, saying that they are not doing enough to support their families and communities. He has also criticized the league's handling of social justice issues and its treatment of players who speak out against racism and police brutality.
  6. Lavar Ball's support for Colin Kaepernick: In 2018, Lavar Ball expressed support for Colin Kaepernick, the former NFL quarterback who was blacklisted by the league for kneeling during the national anthem to protest police brutality and systemic racism. Lavar Ball praised Kaepernick's courage and conviction, saying that he was a "hero" and a "pioneer" for social justice.
  7. Lavar Ball's business ventures: In addition to Big Baller Brand, Lavar Ball has launched several other business ventures, including a production company, a restaurant, and a chain of gyms. He has also invested in several other companies and has partnered with various brands and organizations.

These are just a few of the recent news stories and updates about Lavar Ball. As a public figure, Lavar Ball is often in the news and is known for his outspoken and controversial comments.