Lauretta onochie news

Lauretta Onochie is a Nigerian journalist and social media influencer who has been in the news recently due to her controversial comments and actions. Here are some of the latest news and updates about Lauretta Onochie:

  1. Appointment as INEC Commissioner: Lauretta Onochie was appointed as a commissioner of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) by President Muhammadu Buhari in October 2020. Her appointment was met with widespread criticism and controversy, with many arguing that she was not qualified for the position and that her appointment was a political favor.
  2. Controversial Comments: Lauretta Onochie has been known for her controversial comments on social media, which have often been criticized as divisive and inflammatory. She has been accused of making hate speech and promoting violence against certain groups, including the opposition and minority groups.
  3. Suspension from Twitter: Lauretta Onochie was suspended from Twitter in October 2020 after she made a series of controversial tweets that were deemed to be in violation of the platform's rules. Her suspension was met with widespread criticism and outrage, with many arguing that it was an attack on her freedom of speech.
  4. Legal Action: Lauretta Onochie has taken legal action against Twitter and its parent company, Jack Dorsey, over her suspension from the platform. She has accused them of violating her rights and causing her harm, and is seeking damages and an apology.
  5. Political Ambitions: Lauretta Onochie has expressed interest in running for political office in the future, and has been mentioned as a potential candidate for the All Progressives Congress (APC) in the 2023 general elections. Her political ambitions have been met with skepticism and criticism, with many arguing that she lacks the necessary qualifications and experience to hold public office.

Overall, Lauretta Onochie has been in the news recently due to her controversial comments and actions, as well as her appointment as an INEC commissioner and her political ambitions.