Latex font times new roman

A classic choice!

In LaTeX, you can use the times package to access the Times New Roman font. Here's an example:



This text is in Times New Roman.


In this example, we load the times package and then use the \fontfamily command to select the ptm font family, which is the Times New Roman font. The \selectfont command is used to apply the font change.

Note that the times package is not part of the standard LaTeX distribution, so you may need to install it separately. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal:

texlive-get times

Alternatively, you can use the newtx package, which is a more modern and comprehensive font package that includes Times New Roman:



This text is in Times New Roman.


In this case, you don't need to load the times package separately, as newtxtext includes the Times New Roman font.